Your competent partner for 3D measurement technology
Since 1995 Fischer 3D-Messtechnik offers reliable 3D geometry measurements with tactile and/or optical scanning, whether stationary or mobile. By using the latest measuring systems and highly qualified employees, we guarantee 3D measurement technology at the highest level.
You are not sure whether your project is feasible or what the benefits are? Call us now and let us advise you.
Our services at a glance
Stationäre Messungen
Depending on the nature and size of the object to be measured, various tactile and optical coordinate measuring machines (CMM) are available.more …
Computer tomography
Interconnected and complex components or specific materials are measured by laser, X-rays or camera-assisted systems.more …
Mobile Messungen
Wir bringen unsere 3D-Messtechnik mit zu Ihnen in den Betrieb. Für alles, was sich nicht transportieren lässt. Flexibel, schnell und präzise.more …
The design of new components as well as the post-design by recording and correcting the data are also part of our portfolio.more …
We are your partner for measuring instruments and
Accessories of the company FARO, one of the worldwideleading manufacturer for 3D measurement systems.
3D metrology sale
Here you can see some examples of our shop-products around measurement technology. We carry new and used items. Please contact us if you are looking for a specific product.
Conditions: Prices plus VAT and valid until: 31.12.2024.
Terms of delivery: EXW (Incoterms 2023).
Delivery date: by arrangement.
neue FARO Messarme
FARO® Quantum FaroArm® Um weiterhin beste Ergebnisse zu liefern und noch effizienter arbeiten zu können, haben wir unser Equipment um diverse Messarme der neuen Quantum Serie erweitert.more …
eigenes CT
Endlich ist es so weit... zerstörungsfreie Prüfungen/Messungen mittels Computertomographie im eigenen Hause.more …
new web presence
In collaboration with the Impuls advertising agency, our website was completely reworked.more …
new ScanArm®
FARO Edge ScanArm® HD In order to provide even better scan results and to work even more efficiently, we have expanded our equipment with the new FARO Edge ScanArm® HD.more …
Upgrade CMM
We have carried out a major upgrade of the entire Mitutoyo CMM. In this process, the software was brought up to date, renewed some controls and upgraded in part to SP25M scan head.more …
Newsletter published
NEU: Klimatests Die Umweltsimulation stellt Einflüsse der Umwelt auf technische Produkte oder Materialien nach, mit denen ein Produkt im realen Leben konfrontiert werden kann.more …